Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Number 995 - Stranglers

Number 995


"Golden Brown"


Wikipedia tells me......
"The track "Golden Brown" gave the band the renewed commercial success they were seeking -released as a single, it reached No. 2 in the UK chart in January 1982, and went on to become EMI's highest selling single for many years. Interestingly, many buyers were seemingly unaware of the meaning of the lyrics, which actually contain many metaphorical references to the drug heroin. This may have been further confused by different band members claiming that the song was about desertification and imperialism."
Righto, who actually cares what the song means? I just like it because it sounds interesting due to the fact it was released in the early 80s and it would not go amiss in the year 1967.
And isn't it odd that the name The Stranglers would make a great punk group name? (They play Rock music) Its sort of finding out that Sex Pistols make classical music :I (don't dare anyone say that they do)
For Sex Pistols see Number 500
Rolling Stone Top 500 Songs ranked this song at (Nope they hated it) and the Album ranked at Number (Nope, doesn't even know its out yet)
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